As a specialized executive search consultancy based at Frankfurt Airport, we support our clients in their search for and selection of specialists and executives across industries and international borders. In doing so, we combine methodological expertise from over a decade of experience with new perspectives.

Executive Search

We support companies in recruiting high-level executives. By specifically identifying, evaluating, and approaching candidates on the market, we offer tailor-made solutions for filling challenging positions.

Recruiting specialists

Recruiting specialists and highly qualified professionals in ultra-competitive markets is one of our main competencies. Through targeted sourcing and keen evaluation practices, we excel in approaching candidates with specific skills and expertise, thereby supporting our clients in strengthening their teams with the right talent.

Pro-bono Projects

We offer individuals professional career advice and support in planning their next career steps. Through lectures at universities, individual discussions, and career workshops, we help to identify each client’s strengths and set career goals in order to put their professional life on the path to success.

Executive Coaching

A tailor-made service to help executives advance their professional development. Through strategic planning, personal analysis, and targeted support, career coaching helps executives define their goals, overcome obstacles, and take their careers to the next level.

Who we work for

Family businesses
Public sector institutions
Private equity institutions
Multinational corporations
Family offices
Medium-sized companies

Explore our wide range of services to help you find top-class talent, empower your leadership team, and drive individual growth. Contact us today to learn more about our tailor-made solutions. Your goals and our commitment go hand in hand.